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Employer Resources
Disability Management Employer Coalition Act (DMEC)
This is a resource network for companies that includes networking groups and forums, a credentials course on ADA materials, webinars, and example forms/ templates for forms that deal with employee accommodations.
Work Without Limits
This website has a lot of resources for companies, especially in areas that have significant room for improvement (e.g., the hiring process) and for HR staff who know what information to gather but don't really know what to do with it.
JAN Sample Forms & Example Situations/Solutions
Although the ADA does not require the use of standard forms, they can be helpful. In either case, improper use of forms or collection of employee medical data can lead to ADA violations. The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) provides resources for using and choosing forms as well as example scenarios and how to handle them.
JAN Federal, State, and Local Employer Resources
This website lists a number of resources for employers, including information on the DOL, workers comp, OSHA, insurance issues, enforcement agencies, and many others. Not sure who to call? Check here!
If your company is growing and you find it's harder to manage your employees' needs, consider looking into a third party company (e.g., Sedgwick) to handle your employees accommodations.
ADA National Network
This website is a hub for ADA compliance training (in-person and online), conferences, as well as podcasts and webcasts. Perfect for HR or team leads who are interested in continuing education.
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