AbiliTEAM is a workflow consulting service that works with team leaders who are looking to improve accessibility in their workplace. Explore our website to find resources and information for workers with disabilities as well as tools for employers to better support their employees’ needs.
We offer both project-based work and a retainer model to assess accommodation trends among teams or whole companies. AbiliTEAM will act as a support system to managers and HR by analyzing need across teams and reporting back recommended workflow updates that will improve employee satisfaction and performance; reduce turnover; and promote a more diverse workplace. Please visit our Team Analysis page to learn more about how our team can help you optimize your workplace while fostering open communication regarding the needs of your employees.
"The one argument for accessibility that doesn't get made nearly often enough is how extraordinarily better it makes some people's lives. How many opportunities do we have to dramatically improve people's lives just by doing our job a little better?"
Steve Krug, Information Architect and Author of "Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability"
Isabella Greene
Isabella earned her BA from Boston College and MPS from the George Washington University. Through her work in cross-industry management and operations development; she discovered a common issue facing the workplace: employees often do not ask for the help they need to excel at work because they're uncomfortable speaking with management or fear they'll be seen as a lesser employee. She founded AbiliTEAM to help bridge this communication gap, and to support company leadership who want to help build a more inclusive and supportive workplace.
Isabella is passionate about accessibility in the workplace. Her experience with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome has made her especially interested in invisible illness and the ways invisible illnesses impact an employee’s experience in their workplace.